Please post your ideas, problems or suggestions with Posted here and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Most importantly, if you see something you would like, make sure you VOTE for it (on the left hand side) so I know what you all want!

And if you are requesting a new shipping company to be supported PLEASE LEAVE AN EXAMPLE TRACKING NUMBER!! Without this, there is little chance of me being able to add it unfortunately.


Anònim fa 9 anys 0

translate tha app

Anònim fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 1
I'd like to help you translating the app into German, if you're interested. I really like the app and I think you've got many users from here

Add state abbreviations to scan locations

Anònim fa 13 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys 0
Would it be possible to add the two letter state abbreviation after the city name where the package was scanned? Currently it just has the city name followed by US, but it'd be nice to know what state it was last scanned in. 
Hi, the app generally shows what is available on the tracking website. If the state isn't shown on the tracking website, then I cannot make it available in Posted. Can you let me know which provider/postal company you are experiencing this for?

-- update, added state codes to Fedex.

Add support for Bartolini (Italy)

Anònim fa 13 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys 2

In version 1.35

Not a bug

Mapping feature not really working properly

Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
No location is found a lot of the time
Mapping is really only as good as the data provided by the carrier unfortunately. Some dont provide location information at all. Generally the big ones like Fedex, UPS, DHL, TNT are fairly decent though. But a fair amount of the 63 providers we support don't have location information at all, or the information is terrible (e.g. XYZ DEPOT 21 - which wont make any sense for to a google map).

So for many, there's not much we can do to improve it.

Why wasn't the tracking number recognized?

Anònim fa 11 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 11 anys 0

I checked the tracking number numerous times and got no information about a package while it was tracked on the retailer's and carrier's websites.



Would you be able to let me know the tracking number so that I can investigate? I am not aware of any issues such as this, and without the tracking number there isn't really anything I can do to help!

You may want to email at with the tracking number.


New URL of Correos Chile

Anònim fa 13 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys 0

Correos Chile recently updated the URL of their tracking site. The old one (curently used by Posted) still works, but it could eventually break.

New URL:
Thanks! I have updated this now. I will update the "View Company Website" button in the next release.

Please add support for Mexpost

Anònim fa 13 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 12 anys 0
add support for MexPost EMS

in version 1.40 (submitted to apple)


Be able to email tracking number details to another person

Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
E.g. add a "Email/Share" button to the app when viewing the details of a parcel.

Add Support to Japan EMS

Anònim fa 13 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys 0


Sample tracking number: EM003273649JP



this is already supported in Posted (make sure you have the latest version). Check under "Japan" for "Japan Post International"


Please add support for Direct Link (the international branch of Sweden Post)

Anònim fa 13 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys 1
Their website support tracking by order number or tracking number:

example order: <provided and noted by Posted Admin>
example tracking: <provided and noted by Posted Admin>

Coming in next release (v1.33)

I Love the App, but i'm moving to WP8 any posibility to get this on WP8 ?

Anònim fa 11 anys 0

What are the posibility of getting the app on WP8


Entry date

Anònim fa 12 anys 0
To also record the date you entered the item into the system which will represent when you dropped it off for shipping. At the moment it only shows when it was scanned by the company

Add option to view upcoming deliveries with dates/calendar rather than 'days until delivery'

Anònim fa 10 anys 0
This would especially helpful for deliveries scheduled for the weekend and/or shipped to work/business addresses.

xamthone fa 9 anys 0
Mengenal Penyakit Gagal Ginjal ?

Gagal Ginjal Kronis merupakan gangguan fungsi ginjal yang bersifat menahun berlangsung progesif dan irreversible. Pada penderita gagal ginjal kronis terjadi kerusakan pada ginjal dengan rentang waktu lebih dari 3 bulan. Adanya batu ginjal juga dapat menjadi indikasi GGK pada penderita kelainan bawaan seperti hiperoksaluria dan sistunuria.Gagal Ginjal Kronis bisa menyerang siapa saja termasuk pada anak-anak dan dewasa. Fungsi ginjal yang tidak dapat pulih karena kemampuan tubuh untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan metabolik dan cairan mengalami kegagalan.
Faktor terjadinya gagal ginjal kronis adalah radang ginjal yang menahun, batu ginjal dan batu pada saluran kemih yang kurang mendapat perhatian, obat-obatan kimia yang di konsumsi dalam jangka waktu lama, hipertensi , diabetes, napza, serta faktor genetik.
Gagal Ginjal kronis terjadi jika kedua ginjal sudah tidak mampu mempertahankan lingkungan dalam yang cocok untuk kelangsungan hidup. Biasanya penderita Gagal Ginjal harus menjalani proses cuci darah (hemodialisis) yang tentunya memerlukan biaya yang sangat besar.

Adapun Gejala Gagal Ginjal Kronis yang dapat kita amati adalah sebagai berikut :

kaki membengkakBerkurang nya urine saat buang air
Mual yang di sertai muntah
Hilang nafsu makan
Lelah dan Letih
Susah tidur
Susah berkonsentrasi
Bengkak pada daerah kaki dan pergelangan tangan
Urine berbuih dan berwarna pekat atau bisa jadi ada darah pada urine
Adapun beberapa resiko yang dapat menyebabkan Gagal Ginjal Kronis yaitu orang yang memiliki penyakit Diabetes, Tekanan darah tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, Merokok, Obesitas, Kolesterol tinggi , Riwayat keluarga, Orang lanjut di atas 65 tahun. Namun faktor resiko itu bisa bisa di cegah dengan mengurangi resiko dengan melakukan hal berikut ini :

jangan merokokJangan meminum alkohol dengan berlebihan, disarankan untuk tidak mengkonsumsi alkohol sama sekali
Minum obat sesuai dosis / anjuran dokter , jika mengkonsumsi berlebihan obat dan tidak sesuai anjuran dokter dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada ginjal
Jaga berat badan dan harus rutin berolahraga
Berhenti merokok
Jika mengalami gejala di atas langsung periksakan ke dokter untuk mengurangi resiko gagal ginjal lebih parah.


Web interface doesn't recognize my account

Anònim fa 9 anys 0
It's the second timeI try this but my account is not recognized – neither on the web or on my iPhone.

Add Support for Cyprus Post

Anònim fa 13 anys updated by Posted Admin (Admin) fa 13 anys 1

Can you please add support for Cyprus Post?the website is
Coming in next release (v1.33)

Ability to link existing tracking to new operator once parcel's been passed on its way abroad

Anònim fa 10 anys 0
Ability to link existing tracking or create a new one based on same tracking number when parcel changes delivery operator going abroad with one click, ie "passed to" - choose service from list.