
Add state abbreviations to scan locations

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Posted Admin (Admin) 13 years ago 0
Would it be possible to add the two letter state abbreviation after the city name where the package was scanned? Currently it just has the city name followed by US, but it'd be nice to know what state it was last scanned in. 


Hi, the app generally shows what is available on the tracking website. If the state isn't shown on the tracking website, then I cannot make it available in Posted. Can you let me know which provider/postal company you are experiencing this for?

-- update, added state codes to Fedex.
Hi, the app generally shows what is available on the tracking website. If the state isn't shown on the tracking website, then I cannot make it available in Posted. Can you let me know which provider/postal company you are experiencing this for?

-- update, added state codes to Fedex.