Please post your ideas, problems or suggestions with Posted here and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Most importantly, if you see something you would like, make sure you VOTE for it (on the left hand side) so I know what you all want!

And if you are requesting a new shipping company to be supported PLEASE LEAVE AN EXAMPLE TRACKING NUMBER!! Without this, there is little chance of me being able to add it unfortunately.

Parcelforce Error

ssingh 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu 5

The app no longer appears to track ParcelForce (UK) deliveries. I noticed that the ParcelForce website had some website changes.

Could you please advise?


Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu

Parcelforce looks to be working fine for me... just checked with a number of tracking numbers. Can you let me know the tracking number you are having troubles with?

3 packages I can't delete from my account

Kyle Nolan 9 lat temu 0
I have 3 packages I cannot delete from my account. When I try to delete one via the web, it acts like it deleted the package, but when it refreshes the package is still there. And in the app, it gives a pop-up error whenever I try to delete these packages.

I have sent several requests to the support email but have received no response.

It would be great if the delete worked--or if you offered a delete all to force all packages to be removed from your account.

Mapping of Bring parcels

Anonim 12 lat temu 0

Great App, but the mapping function for Bring parcels (Norway) is a bit buggy. It shows a parcel currently at zip code 7007 Trondheim (in Norway) as being in the Netherlands.


Ability to change carrier

Anonim 12 lat temu 0
After adding a tracking it would be great to be able to change the carrier under edit settings in case we make mistakes.

xamthone 9 lat temu 0
Mengenal Apa itu Kanker Serviks ?

Kanker serviks merupakan kanker ganas yang terbentuk dalam jaringan serviks (organ yang menghubungkan uterus dengan vagina). Ada beberapa tipe kanker serviks. Tipe yang paling umum dikenal adalah squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), yang merupakan 80 hingga 85 persen dari seluruh jenis kanker serviks. Infeksi Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) merupakan salah satu faktor utama tumbuhnya kanker jenis ini.
Tipe-tipe lain kanker serviks seperti adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, adenosquamous, adenosarcoma, melanoma dan lymphoma, merupakan tipe kanker serviks yang langka yang tidak terkait dengan HPV. Beberapa tipe kanker yang telah disebutkan, tidak dapat ditanggulangi seperti SCC.

Informasi Selengkapnya Klik di bawah ini


Add support for Kazakhstan Post

Anonim 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu 1
Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu
Hi, Do you have an example tracking number for this?

Add support for UK Mail

Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu
Fixed in upcoming release 1.32

New feature suggestion...

Anonim 10 lat temu 0
New feature... Like to have an option to manually set delivery status as 'Delivered'.

Automatically filter delivered packages of default view

Michael Harris 11 lat temu 0

Obviously there's no immediate need to see parcels that have previously been delivered. And if you're a frequent user of the application, the list of packages can get quite long.

It would be great that if, on load of the application, all the delivered packages where the delivery date was more than 1 day ago were hidden by default.

This would keep the screen a whole lot cleaner without having to edit and delete items constantly.


Sync configuration too

Anonim 11 lat temu 0
Can you please extend the sync feature to also synchronize the configuration (favorites etc.)?

To nie jest błąd

TNT Netherlands status list in reverse order

Arnoud 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu 2
The status list of TNT Netherlands is displayed in reverse order (latest message at the bottom instead of the top). Could this be corrected so the latest message is the first one you see?
Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu
sorry, at this stage we leave things in order of how they are presented on the carrier website and that is the way we want to keep things for now.

provided the correct status is coming through as the "latest status", i will close this request.

Add support for Colissimo (France)

Anonim 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu 4
Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu

Coming in next release!


xamthone 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez anonymous 6 lat temu 1
Mengenal Ginjal dan Pengobatan Herbal Ginjal ?

Ginjal adalah salah satu organ tubuh yang berfungsi sebagai sistem ekskresi pada manusia yakni untuk mengeluarkan / mengekskresikan zat – zat sisa metabolisme tubuh dalam bentuk urin. Lama kelamaan fungsi ginjal tersebut dapat menurun dan akhirnya fungsi ginjal pun dapat terganggu (timbulnya penyakit ginjal), gangguan tersebut bisa di sebabkan oleh racun, infeksi atau obat – obatan yang memiliki efek samping yang dapat merusak ginjal. Apabila ginjal tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya maka sisa metabolisme yang tidak di keluarkan tubuh akan menjadi racun bagi tubuh kita sendiri.
Penyebab penyakit gagal ginjal di sebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang mendasari. Gangguan atau kondisi yang menyebabkan kerusakan ginjal seperti : obstuksi, infeksi, keganasan, peradangan , kelainan bentuk, menelan racun, suplai darah yang berkurang ke ginjal penyebab meliputi : hipertensi, diabetes yang merusak ginjal dari waktu ke waktu, kanker ginjal. penyalah gunaan obat, over dosis obat – obatan, alkohol, dan rokok.

Berikut ciri – ciri orang terkena penyakit ginjal
penyakit ginjal

Awalnya ciri – ciri penyakit ginjal sangatlah halus, sehingga penyakit ginjal kronis sering tidak mereka sadari jika mereka telah mengidapnya. Untuk penyakit ginjal kronis ini bisa berlangsung selama bertahun – tahun dan gagal ginjal merupakan penyakit terparah nya. Tanpa bisa mencapai tahap gagal ginjal beberapa orang penderita ginjal kronik dapat hidup tanpa pernah mencapainya. Perut akan sedikit demi sedikit membesar dan membuncit, susah buang air kecil maupun buang air besar maupun ciri – ciri dari penyakit ginjal yang paling utama. Ciri – ciri orang yang terkena penyakit ginjal juga di alami oleh penderitanya, seperti contohnya.

Mual dan muntah
Terjadinya pembengkakan pada kaki dan mata
Terasa nyeri dan sakit pada saat kencing
Demam tinggi
Sering mengeluhkan rasa sakit pada pinggang
Terkadang kencing di sertai darah
Sering bangun di tengah tidur nyenyak hanya untuk kencing
Perubahan warna struktur air seni


Ability to choose update interval or use push update

Anonim 12 lat temu 0

Can select update every couple hours or use push update.


USPS, FEDEX, UPS etc. All not working.

Anonim 9 lat temu 0
Please fix the in-app browser to show tracking of any courier. DHL Germany is specifically bugged that it doesn't update, but adds to a list that probably uses cookies. This doesn't even work anymore because nothing is connecting. I'm a long time user of the paid app, so please update this app. Thank you!

Add support for TNT Express UK

Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
For UK
Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu
in next release

Add support for DHL Switzerland

Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 5
Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu
Fixed in upcoming release 1.32

TNT International and re-using of consignments

Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 1
TNT International sometimes re-using a consignment number which results in Posted merging both results which isnt great. Need to choose the most recent one (or an interface to allow people to choose).
Posted Admin (Admin) 13 lat temu
Think I have fixed this now.

It will look for the tracking event from the parcel with the latest dates - this should satisfy 99% of cases... 

Will see how it goes.

Change Latvian Post carrier name.

Anonim 10 lat temu 0
Change Latvian Post carrier name from "Latvijas Past" (last letter is missing) to "Latvijas Pasts" , or just change it to "Latvian Post"