
Parcelforce Error

ssingh 13 years ago updated by Posted Admin (Admin) 13 years ago 5

The app no longer appears to track ParcelForce (UK) deliveries. I noticed that the ParcelForce website had some website changes.

Could you please advise?





Parcelforce looks to be working fine for me... just checked with a number of tracking numbers. Can you let me know the tracking number you are having troubles with?

Not sure what had happened, but it appears to be working fine now.

Many thanks

Parcelforce looks to be working fine for me... just checked with a number of tracking numbers. Can you let me know the tracking number you are having troubles with?
Hi the problem has cropped back up again.

It appears to be a server side issue, I have tried with other tracking tools and they seem to be working fine.

I have uninstalled/reinstalled the app and tried updating over wifi.

Can you please assist?


Looks like the parcelforce website (http://www.parcelforce.com/track-trace) is not returning any tracking results for any valid parcelforce website. So the problem lies there and not with Posted technically. Try it for yourself with your own tracking number (assuming you try in the next ~hour or so before it is fixed).

How are other apps working? Well, there is an alternative parcelforce website for tracking results (http://tracking.parcelforce.net/) which is still working at the moment.

If this outage continues for more than a couple hours, or the main parcelforce tracking goes down again (maybe its twice already...?) I will switch to this alternative site that I know of. But right now, I would prefer to stick to the current/preferred site. Might change my opinion fairly quickly though if the preferred site doesn't come back online with tracking results soon.

Thanks for letting me know about the issue.

Back working... main tracking site quite slow still though..
Wow! That's a relaly neat answer!