
Please add support for some popular courier companies in India

Anonymous 11 years ago updated by Posted Admin (Admin) 11 years ago 8


I am sad to see that you have completely ignored our country (India) in adding support for the courier companies.

Our country has the largest mobile phone penetration and quickly becoming one of the most iOS device having designation.

But i am hoping that you would add indian courier companies in your application's supported courier companies list.

Here are some of the popular courier companies






The Professional Courier

I would definitely buy your paid application once you add support for the courier companies listed above.




Are you able to provide tracking numbers for these services? 



Are you able to provide tracking numbers for these services? 

Here it is

DEL104563378 for tpcindia (the professional courier)

4750541670 for aramex

46225803643 for bluedart

v10897017 for dtdc

b25564235 for firstflight

Thanks - just so you know. TNT and Aramex are already supported in the app - look under "International Couriers".

I will add the rest to my todo list.

Also, the FirstFlight tracking number doesn't apear to be working.

FirstFlight tracking number is correct.

You just have to use Internet Explorer to submit the tracking number in the website..

Here is the tracking url


Ah that is working, thanks. 

May I know on when the corker companies be added in your application ?

I will endeavour to add one or two of these in the next release. However, I cannot give you a timeframe of when the next release will be out at this stage.

You have just added one courier service in India.

It is ok, if you are not going to add everything soon.

Please add DTDC soon.


It is the widely used courier service in our country and badly needed.