
Ability to reorder items

Posted Admin (Admin) 13 years ago updated by Vince Dean 11 years ago 2
Move some items up and down on the main screen
 Going along this same thought, it would be nice to have the "out for delivery" items at the top of the "my deliveries" list, and even better to have everything after that ordered by estimated delivery date, ascending by days to delivery. 

I agree with Max K. I would love options to be able to sort the list by when packages are expected to be delivered and also another option to sort by nickname. With all the recent online shopping I've done, I've entered nicknames which start with the store name followed by the item name, so sorting by the nickname would allow me to group the similar purchases together. This would be nice since more and more stores are shipping items in separate shipments, so one order may end up being multiple packages to track.