

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Posted Admin (Admin) 13 years ago 0
Can any one help me with my tracking number , i am so confused now LC578592327US



I can see your parcel hasn't been updated very much by USPS... not since April 26th.

Unfortunately, I am the developer of the Posted application and am unable to give you any further information about your parcel - I just don't know any more than what you and I can see on the USPS website, sorry.

You will be best to get in contact with USPS directly to ask about your parcel - please use the https://www.usps.com/customer-service/customer-service.htm webpage to contact USPS.

Hope this helps, sorry I cannot be of any more assistance.


I can see your parcel hasn't been updated very much by USPS... not since April 26th.

Unfortunately, I am the developer of the Posted application and am unable to give you any further information about your parcel - I just don't know any more than what you and I can see on the USPS website, sorry.

You will be best to get in contact with USPS directly to ask about your parcel - please use the https://www.usps.com/customer-service/customer-service.htm webpage to contact USPS.

Hope this helps, sorry I cannot be of any more assistance.